Sunday 4 November 2007

Fire fire

And so looms the 5th of November. My little monster has been asking for fireworks all week. So yesterday we (by we I me myself and the monster, my boyfriend doesn't really like to stay at his parents)went to Manchester to visit his grandparents and have a little bonfire. His cousin was also there so manic running around the house was par for the evening. When we did go outside for the fireworks my monster declared he didn't like them and hid his face in his hat for the entire display. Waste of time? I think not - mummy loves fireworks!

When my monster and his cousin get together they are shy around each other for rougly 3 minutes then it is like they have never been apart. They ran riot around the house for about 3 hours. Monsters aunt and uncle looked a little worse for wear. She is expecting number 2 in March. Not quite sure how that will work out as they can hardly look after the one!
I have still had no luck on the job front. I have applied for about 4 all through agencies but nothing so far. Going to have to get something this week or we will be having beans on toast for Christmas dinner.